Starbucks and The Smile!!!!

Was it the coffee or her smile that brought me back every morning to fork out a ridiculous amount of money for a cup of java that took me minutes to drink and really did not add much value to my day?

As I stood in the line for my daily dose of caffeine, I could not help but think to myself, "What really keeps me coming back?"
It finally hit me as I patiently waited in line for my turn. It was not the coffee but the one making my coffee, taking my order and greeting me with a smile.

Her smile made me come back for more. I am not typically a once a day Starbucks drinker, but, once again my mother had to be hospitalized and I found myself going back and forth from the hospital to home and I would start my day off at the Starbucks directly across the street from her hospital.

This particular day I watched this woman take my order with a smile that said without words, "you matter to me." She had a genuine concern in the way she asked how I was doing and kept her eyes locked with mine as we conversed until the transaction was made. For just a brief moment, I forgot I was a customer and felt like her friend.

As I stepped away towards the pick upside of the counter, my heart was filled with gratitude towards this total stranger who over the last several weeks has made my heart feel lighter, my load feel lesser and my moment a little happier as I prepared to visit my mother in the hospital.

I quickly felt very passionate about telling her how much she had touched my heart over the last couple of weeks and I wanted her to know that she is making a difference.

For a brief moment, I thought about all the other customers in the store and how it might look to them, but the moment passed and I pursued the passion I felt to share with this stranger my heart.

Therefore, after my coffee was placed on the counter I got back into her line. Once again, I witnessed her authentic, genuine service flow from her words and actions as well as her smile and eyes.

My turn came up and I reached over touched her hand and told her my story. I simply said, "I believe it is your smile that I come back for more then the coffee." I then proceeded to share with her the situation with my mother and how I had come in every morning before I headed to the hospital and how much she made a difference in my life without even knowing.

Then, all of a sudden she grabbed her arms, showed me her goose bumps and looked at me as if she was about to burst into tears. She smiled big and thanked me and I just said, "No, thank you." The person behind me piped in as I was walking away and shouted out, "how cool was that?"

I left feeling as if I had been given so much more, hidden treasures and the mystery of faith all wrapped up in a warm cup of coffee. Once again, I was ready to greet my mother and the day because God had placed this incredible woman in my path and then led me to share with her how much she made a difference in my life.

This blog is specifically dedicated to Mark and Lori Welch and Bill and Mary Feliz who remind me so much of this incredible woman behind the counter. Thank you all for wearing HIM well, wherever you go.


Nat said...

Cris, I was filled with tears as I was reading this...that lady who made your coffee inspired me as I was reading your blog to no matter what I am doing, it may be a continuous routine like it was for her to make coffee over and over and over again, to have that expression of love and care on my face...and your action of going back even after you already got your coffee- inspires me to not be ashamed with this false myth of "what will people think" ...
Thank you!
God Bless

cautious1 said...

Thanks for the reminder that we should stop and let people know the impact that they have on our lives on a daily basis. That's awesome!