You Will Find Me In the Middle......

Day 1

Whispers From the Heart of God........
You will find me in the middle of the mundane.  Even though I am exciting, you do not need to create excitement.  I am all about the ordinary, the plain people who pretend to be more are actually, where I hide. 

I am a sweet surprise in the middle of your struggle.  You do not have to look far to find me.  Even if you cannot see me, I am still by your side.  Whisper my name, feel my strength.  I will give you all you need just stay focused on my face.  Walk where others refuse to go, talk to those others ignore. 

Be, just be with me and know that you are wonderfully and beautifully made in my image.  You have a mind to question, create and think big thoughts.  Come to me when you feel alone, I will remind you that you are not. 

I have given you a plan and a purpose, do not ever apologize for your calling, your sweet spot is how I created you to breath.  Look everyone in the eyes with confidence, I will give you wisdom and discernment to touch the soul far beyond any word could do. 

You are enough, be still in that knowledge, no more, no less, you are all you need to be, do not add, do not take away.  I love you just that way I made you.

Remember, you will find me in the middle of the mundane.

Your Creator


David F said...

A great reminder of how to stay in his rest. And somehow, that's always when we bear the most fruit.

Chaplain Cris Nole said...

So true David, He has so much he wants to share with us. Resting in His gentleness, proufound peace.
