Wait On Me......

Day 18

Whispers from the Heart of God……

Wait on me, you can do this, be of good courage and I will give you strength and you will be of good cheer.  You will rise up like wings of eagles, you will run and not grow weary when you wait.

Your liberal soul will be made prosperous and as you give to others, you will be given too as well.  You reap what you sow and your good deeds will be noticed by all when you choose to give in silence, you do not need to take credit, be humble and watch what I will do.

Your gentle words and your kind speech will bring health to your soul and health to those in your presence.  Do not give up on the people around you, they do not know what they do.  Live your truth in such away that others will ask, seek and want to know your why. 

You once pushed me away as well and look at you now.  You once believed that I came for everyone but you but look at you now.  Your false belief was a lie that you finally kicked to the curb, help others do the same.  I was for you and with you even when you did not believe, that is the message I want you to share with others.

I call everyone out of the darkness, though many are too weak to come out on their own.  Go in, shed light, and show them the way.  I have not forgotten the weakest among you.  In fact, my heart hurts the most for those who are broken, beat up and bruised from trying to follow a set of rules instead of my son. 

I sent Him for the sick and it is still true today.  Broken hearts, sick minds, hurting souls and beat up bodies, my son came to restore them all.

Waiting is the key my child, I will tell you when to go and you will help to set them free.

Love Your


Anonymous said...

God does have perfect although somewhat ironic timing! I think we find Him in the miniscule details, once we stop and observe.

sami said...

Bravo Jim, I so agree, it is that stopping that can seem so hard to do if your busy doing. Thanks for sharing.


Chaplain Cris Nole said...

Bravo Jim, I so agree, it is that stopping that can seem so hard to do if your busy doing. Thanks for sharing.
