Friends Of The Alley...

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

― C.S. Lewis




Ten steps outside my back gate and down the alley into a world I was not even expecting.  Saying yes to leaving the life I had known for almost 20years was one of the most difficult tasks I had ever taken on.  Two months from now will represent two years since we received our keys to our new home.  It was a bumpy ride and a lot of turbulence when it came to landing in our new community.  However, now looking back and seeing what the struggle produced, I would not have changed any of the obstacles we had to overcome to get to where we are at.


This short little video clip represents the gift that comes with saying yes to the unknown.  We have made some lifelong friendships in a short amount of time.  Maybe because we were all new in the community. Maybe because faith, friendship and the unfamiliar were all present.   We were also able to connect friends from our past to friends in our present and watched beautiful community happening right before our eyes.


I love what Robert Johnson wrote.  “Sacrifice is not giving up something to get something else you want more.  Sacrifice is the art of drawing energy from one level and reinvesting it at another level.”


I learned from the moment we landed in Folsom that I could not live in two places at once, physically or emotionally.   It was not about forgetting where I came from but rather allowing myself to be open to what was to come. 


I love our little community where we are connected by front porches, court yards and alleys.  A community where people gather to live, love and laugh.   As I type out this blog I cannot help but think of a song my mom taught me as a little girl.  “Make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and the other gold.” 


Have a beautiful today my blogging friends.  Praying that you have a community where you can live, love and laugh as well.  For I know that God created us all to live in such away.



“Living in the moment”


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