Deliberately Running My Race!

My Story For 2010

Cris Perez-Nole

Running My Race

"Let Us Run With Perseverance The Race That Is Set Before Us..."
Hebrews 12:1

My shoes have been tied, my muscles have been stretched and the gun has gone off, the race has begun! This is the year of Running My Race! I will Run The Race that has been set before me, with purpose and intention. I will deliberately pursue my maker by choosing to live in the moment. During this race, I will pause to meditate on His word and truth and carve out daily, weekly and monthly time to just sit before Him and listen to His still quiet voice directing my race. I will work on running my race with integrity, bringing both my thoughts and actions into line with one another, I will be known as one who says what she means and means what she says. Authenticity, integrity and gentle boldness will be a trademark of my character. I will not be afraid to say no and I will live fully in the yes.

During this race, I will value my family and friends with my time, silence and stillness, learning to listen more and speak less. I will run with respect for all relationships, celebrating the victories of other runners and not interfering with their struggles. I will listen more, laugh often and forgive much. I will be deliberate about my relationships with other brothers and sisters, remembering how important it is to stay connected to the family of Chris followers. During this race, I will use my life experiences to serve Him well through and with other Christ followers.

I will never forget where I came from and where He is sending me. Brokenness will not be a burden but something I will embrace. As I continue to dedicate my life to embracing, spreading and teaching the word of God to others, I will focus on reaching out to my community and beyond, being a Character witness for Jesus Christ. In doing, so I will help others find the race, they have been called to run and I will cheer them on.

I will honor the voice and promote the story. I will be a woman of prayer, not because I have to but because I want to. While running my race this year, I will put myself in others shoes, esteeming those who have gone before and those who are to follow. I will listen well and pray often. I will be intentional about reaching out to the hurt, lost and forgotten of the world not forgetting what true and pure religion is, taking care of the orphans and widows and not allowing myself to be swallowed up by the things of this world. I will love the unlovable, reach out to the lost and search for the suffering. I will accept, encourage and include others more often. While running, I will passionately help create community, looking for the good in everyone I meet and teaching others to do the same.

Running my race will mean choosing to stay physically, mentally and spiritually fit by working out my body, soul and mind daily, laughter and humor will be a key to balancing all three. I will make music, write stories and paint pictures just for the fun of it. I will dance with my flags and sing to my God. I will promote collaboration, believing that the whole is greater then the sum. I will encourage and welcome others ideas and insight into my life.

During this race, I will live by faith and not by fear! Giving up or giving in to others will not be and option. I will be a facilitator not a fixer a minister not a preacher. I will be a storyteller, a student and a teacher all along the way. I will read, study and learn something new everyday. I will keep a written account about this race I am running, I will be the one narrating my story.

I will run my race as if every step was a brand new adventure. I will take more breaths, pause more often and fold into the moment whenever it is possible. My life will be about being about His business. I will live from the well of Thanksgiving and walk on the path of Faith. I will wear Jesus well wherever I go. I will choose to only Run The Race set before me, focusing on His Face and staying in the lane marked Grace.
Cristina D. Perez-Nole


LeAnn said...

AWESOME! Very inspiring and motivating. I could actually hear the Rocky theme playing as I read it.

Love You!

Jill Beran said...

Wow Cris, this is great! I love how you put it all together and know GOD will do the same as you live it all out in the year ahead!!

Rachel Olsen said...

Staying in the lane marked Grace ... I love that!

Happy New Year, friend!

Barb said...

I really enjoyed reading this, Cris! Thanks for sharing! :O)