The Gun Goes Off!

On your mark, get set, go! The gun goes off and race begins. Happy 2010. So many goals, so many dreams. I can't wait to see what this New Year will be like. I am learning so much about my voice and the story I have been called to live. Below is a list of core values that I came up with while I was away for a few days. My life mission statement and goals will reflect these values and help me to stay the course and Run The Race! Please feel free to share with me some of your core values and how you plan to live them out this coming year.

My Core Values

1. The voice

2. The story

3. Relationships (Marriage, children, family, friendship, strangers.

4. The Moment

5. Discipline/Order (A place for everything and everything in its place)

6. Time

7. Waiting

8. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

9. Art/Music

10. Knowledge (Reading, studying, learning)

11. Fitness, physical, mental and spiritual (balance)

12. Intentional living

13. The Struggle

14. Authenticity/Integrity (Mean what you say and say what you mean)

15. Gentle boldness

16. Brokenness (hurt, lost and forgotten)

17. Those who have gone before me and those coming after me.

18. Imaginations, new ideas.

19. Teamwork.

20. Loving others well.

21. Adventure

22. Quality of life.

23. Humor/Laughter

24. Prayer

25. Community

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