Manic Monday!

Greeting From the Front Porch!

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Have you ever struggled with your faith at the beginning of something? Have you ever thought on Sunday about Monday, “this is it, I will not be shaken?” Only to find yourself worn out, beat up and drained from trusting your check marks, to-do-lists and calendar more then your creator?

Living in the moment and trusting God with my future is an easy philosophy in the middle of the week but “Monday’s Lord?”

The beginning of the week seems to be one of those beginnings I struggle with. My faith grows stronger as the week unfolds but at the beginning I seem to open my calendar, look at my schedule and think to myself “can it all really be done?” As a wife, mother, sister, friend, caregiver and community leader, “can I really get all that I need to do done and remain sane?”

Sometimes I have to remind myself, the sound of the front door shutting after my children have headed off to school, is not the same as a gun going off at a track meet.

Starting the day off as if I were just released from sprinting blocks caused me to quickly crash and burn early on as a homemaker. Though it felt good at first to get many things done at the beginning of the week, by the time I hit the hump I had little to give to my family and friends and the new relationships that would come my way.

A life lesson learned the hard way is that it is at the beginning of the week; it is how I treat Monday that dictates how Tuesday through Sunday will treat me. It is the philosophy of the front porch, “living in the moment, trusting God with my future” that has helped me get through the beginning of my week where my faith seems to be tested the most.

I want to have the kind of faith that is confident in what I hope for and assurance about what I do not see.

It is the economy of my creator that has taught me that to truly own something I must be willing to let it go. Monday is all about letting go and letting God, it is about growing in faith and trusting Him with my future.

That being said, I still find myself asking, “How have I learned to walk by faith in the middle of my struggle at the beginning of my week and how have I learned to release what I had been holding tightly to for so many years?”

I have had to intentionally schedule deliberate down time the moment my children leave the house. Every Monday I start off my morning sitting still for one hour, no list, no agenda and no schedule. I pray and fast for my faith to grow stronger as I enter into the beginning of my week not running fast but resting well.

I trust that God has a plan and a purpose for my life and because I spend time pressing into the moment I am able to know what it is and trust that living in the moment will not take away from that plan and purpose but rather add to it.

Happy Monday my friends, I pray that your faith grows stronger as you learn to live in the moment and trust God with your future.


          Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

                                                        Hebrews 11:1

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