Living in the moment, trusting God with our future! If someone would have told me last week that I would be posting pictures of our family and friends gathering around my mother smiling along with her, I would not have believed it myself. However, since I am the one posting and since I am also one in the pictures as well, I am here to say once again that God shows up best right in the middle of my struggle and He shows up best right in the middle of my weakness.

It was less then two weeks ago when I had to call 911 because I thought we were going to loose my mom, she ended up in the hospital for a total of 7 days and upon release we had to have her placed in a rehabilitation facility. This is where the pictures are taken, just today as we gathered around for games and laughter with the family and our nearest and dearest friends, Steve and Donna.

I have been leaning on my faith and trusting in the fact that my past has God’s hand prints written all over it with it stating loud and clear, He works all things out, all! Therefore, as I have walked through some of the hardest conversations I have ever had in my life, I had to trust on what I knew rather then what I was feeling.

Today I celebrate the fact that our Hope is not found in things of this world but rather things not of this world. The smiles in the pictures are genuine and true and we are continuing to pray for mom’s speedy recover and so grateful to have her recovering so well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am SO happy for all of you! Praying for her speedy recovery!!!