Dwelling In the Desert!

Years ago I was encouraged by a leader to take the last several days of the year off and pull away by myself and plan for the following year.  Below is what came out of my pulling away on the week of December 26 2011.    Here I am almost a year later, understanding the importance of planning, but not holding onto tightly to the plans.
Mark out a straight path and stick to it, it being faith, family and trusting God with my future.  Here I am once again preparing for my days away and grateful to those who have gone before me who have spoken into my life and walked the walk.
Dec. 26, 2010
This is the year I will become an intentional desert dweller, I will reside in the dry lands of what appears to be a barren region. However, I will press into the promise that justice, righteousness and favor are all found living amongst each other in the wilderness.  I dwell in the moment while trusting God with my future.  I will hold the plans I have set before me loosely, knowing that my God has a hope and a future far greater  then anything that would fit in the palm of my hand.
I will intentionally build community in the fertile field of the desert, by listening  good, asking well  and pausing on purpose.  I will come to this land prepared, bringing water and food from the Promise Land Just because this land is hot, I will not be burned.  My shade will be in the shadow of His wings and I will learn to make the most of my resources while sharing with others the lessons I have learned.  
I will not bury, hide or waste what has been entrusted to me but instead I will learn how to make my resources work for me for the greater good of the Kingdom.  I will continue to meditate on His word daily, listening for His still quiet voice directing my path.  Authenticity, integrity and gentle boldness will be a trademark of my character; I will mean what I say and say what I mean.  I will not be afraid to say no and I will live fully in the yes.  I will choose to stay physically, mentally and spiritually fit by working out my body, soul and mind daily, laughter and humor will be a key to balancing all three.
I will promote collaboration, believing that the whole is greater then the sum.  I will encourage and welcome others ideas and insight into my life. I will be intentional about reaching out to the hurt, lost and forgotten of the world not forgetting what true and pure religion is, taking care of the orphans and widows and not allowing myself to be swallowed up by the things of this world.  I will live with a front porch philosophy wherever I go, come as strangers left as friends. I will read study and learn something new everyday.  I will keep a written account of what I have done and I will be the one narrating my story.  
 I will love the unlovable, reach out to the lost and search for the suffering. I will accept, encourage and include others more often. I will look for the good in everyone I meet and make sure they know it themselves.  I will live from the well of Thanksgiving and walk on the path of Faith. I will wear my Jesus well wherever I go. I will find favor, carry justice and right living will is my compass and my companion.  I will walk in the promise as I live in the desert
 Justice will dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile field...
Isaiah 32:16 (NIV)
 This is what the LORD says: "The people who survive the sword will find favor in the desert; I will come to give rest to Israel."
Jeremiah 31:2 (NIV)


sohel rana said...

very nice

Anonymous said...

Your post is very encouraging. I also hope to look at life in a positive way, touch the lives of those who who feel unloved, and stay close to God. You are a very inspired individual. Keep up the good work!