
Be careful what you pray for, God just might make you laugh. Here was my prayer last night before my head hit the pillow. "Lord, help me remember what it was like being in middle school." This morning I woke up with one of the worse cases of acne I have had in years, welts the size of pennies, painful and embarrassing. I just turned 40, come on! Now, some of you may be asking why would I pray such a prayer and the answer is that I am returning to a youth group that I had the privilege of giving my testimony at a few weeks back. As I looked in the mirror I went back to the insecure 12 year old broken young girl that I was many years ago. I remember it like yesterday, trying to cover up what just could not be covered. I had this false belief that I lacked much value based on my appearance. As a grown up who has searched her past and made peace with it as well, I now know the truth and can say "thank you God" for answered prayers, even if I have to wear them on my face. My heart aches for this generation, I feel their pain so deeply but I also believe that the Lord's promises hold true for this generation and that He will be call these young people out to set many free. Please keep me in your prayers as I pour into this area of my community, holding tight to the promises for each of these young people, that they too have a hope and a future.

Don't forget, be careful what you pray for..



Shannon said...

I love this one! God is so creative :-)

cautious1 said...

My heart aches for this generation as well. As a high school counselor in a public school, I see the results of dysfunctional families, divorce, substance abuse, incarcerated parents/kids, physical and sexual abuse, etc. I pray for my students as well as all of the other ones in our school of 2,000. I am on a personal crusade to share my own faith in spite of being in a public school. There are so many lost souls, especially in the teenage population. They are like ships that have lost their rudders. So many lack direction, encouragement, love, support, attention, etc. I hope that in some small way that I may be a light in the darkness for them.

It is such a blessing for me to have the opportunity to work with this population and to walk through the doors that God opens to share my faith with them. I will pray for you as you return to your youth group. God Bless!