It Is Good..........

Day 20

Whispers from the Heart of God…..

It is good that you hope in me and the things unseen, this is the foundation of your faith.  You are a genuine follower when you place your trust in me more then man.  You will find freedom in your faith however small it might be when you choose to focus on my face.

I came to set the captives free, you being a prisoner of your past and now a victor set free, you can help others taste and see.  This is your story, your reason and your why, share with conviction, passion and purpose.

You trusted me even when you could not see me but rather the result of me all around you was a path that was less traveled but called your name.   Those who had gone before you who had experienced true healing and freedom, they set the streets straight for you to find your way.  Others who had met me on the path were willing to reach out and take your hand, your heart and help; you stepped out of the darkness and into the light.  I have asked you to do the same.

My child, you were created for the Promise Land, freedom from your past, your pain and even the undisciplined pleasures that prevented you from experiencing who I created you to be.  I whisper hope and healing into your heart.  When you find your faith a little shaky, remember my voice, your story and the places you have been.  I never forgot you and never forsook you.

Your faith married to hope will be your strength your food for thought and for your fellow neighbor, it will feed your soul and sooth their spirit.  Hope will be the four-letter word that will light your path and rekindle your soul.  Your spirit will soar when you remember the first time you danced with hope and carried, and delivered a message to those in need.

It is good my child that you hope in me.

Love Your


Unknown said...

"...I whisper hope and healing into your heart." You can never know what "a word in due season" this was, Chris. What you're doing here (with this blog) has immeasurable and timeless value for a soul such as mine! To God be the glory for your wisdom and obedience. God bless!

Chaplain Cris Nole said...

You are such an encourager, have a marvelous day.
